This And That.
Wishing you and your family a happy New Year.
Wishing your family lots of happiness, prosperity and joy this New Year.
Wish you tons of joy and happiness.
Don’t forget that membership fees are due again, R500 per year per family
Club Banking Details as follows:
Bank: Capitec
Account name: Wild Buggers
Account number - 1565574484
Branch code – 470010
Table Bay Mall
Use your name as reference
Previous Event: Year-end Function. 8 December.
Our year end function was at El Lions on 8 December. Vernon and I arrived early in order to get everything set up before the rest of the Wild Buggers arrived. Not long after our arrival Jacques and Lene joined us to lend a helping hand with setting up the lapa and preparing some last minute catering. When the rest of the Buggers arrived at 15:00 we were ready to get the party started.
Our evening started with the handing out of some fun awards. For example, miss muffin, mona lisa and the furthest towed buggy. There after we moved on to the initiation of Kevin, Bok and Corne.
With all the “formalities” out of the way we had a bite to eat while the entertainer for the evening set up his equipment. A big thank you to Jared the Karaoke King for accepting the last minute booking and doing such a good job keeping us all entertained. Not to mention Kevin’s brilliant flossing skills, Corne’s Lord of the Dance and Vernon showing off his break dance move.
The evening ended at about 12:30 where we retired to our rooms. The club’s clown Kevin was caught red handed trying to lock the president in his room by putting a big bolder in front of his room door.
The next morning we all enjoyed some leftovers with a nice cup of coffee before we moved on to the first half of the AGM at El Lions. At 10:30 everyone jumped in to help us clean and pack up. From there we went to the club house where we continued the AGM.
The evening was a great success and we can’t wait to see you at the next one.
Click here to see all the photos of this event:
Previous Event: 7 Day Adventure. 27 December 2018 – 3 January.
TIME TO SAY GOODBYE… 27 Dec en ons is oppad!
Voorbereiding vir hierdie trippie het begin op Kersdag – tussen al the kokery het ons gepak en gewas en gehang en uiteindelik is dit die oggend van 27 Dec.
7-uur en ons vertrek vanaf Melkbos. Ons ontmoet vir Jacques and Lene by die polisiestasie en ry via Sunningdale om die laaste Skapie (Zel) op te kry langs die pad. Pers, Rooi en Groen, dit laat darem die koppe draai soos ons ry om die 7-Day Adventure-Groep te ontmoet by N1 Stad in Goodwood.
Daar aangekom kry ons elkeen ‘n persentjie van Christo en Sandra – ‘n Buff, dieselfde kleur as ons Beach Buggy – baie dankie vir die mooi gebaar – dit het baie handig te pas gekom op ons trippie. Dankie ook aan Jaco Smit wat daar was om ons ‘n voorspoedige reis toe te wens. Lilly ry saam met Zel vir geselskap en Ami kry ‘n uitnodiging om in Oranja-bak te ry.
8.15am and all are ready to start the road-trip. Vernon & Karin in Skobbejak, is in the front leading the way. Anton & Naomi in Shrek, Zel in Purple Haze, Kevin & Nicole in Blou-Blasie….,Jacques & Lene in Ramkat …. Christ & Sandra owners of Pink Floyed –and driving “Oranje-Bak” made up the rear as we pull out of the parking area at Mc Donalds. What a sight!! AND WE ARE ON OUR WAY!!
After a refreshing drive through the country-side we met up with Corne and his 2 sons – Cornell and Marcel in his black Beach Buggy – BEEE (this was later changed to Elvis).
We all then stopped at a Padstal (sorry I forgot the name) to have a “Brekvis” and some niceties to eat along the road.
The morning was nice and cool and we took the Bainskloof Pass to get to Ceres. We stopped at another Padstad (again I can’t remember the name) to go to the loo and get a colddrink and/or some coffee. We hit Ceres with a big-bang to get food and beverage to take with to Klondyke Cherri Farm.
We were met with blue lights and SUV’s with tinted windows when we got to Klondyke, just to find out that Cyril Ramaposa, President of SA was there to visit for the day. It was definitely the 1st time in my life that I was so near to any president – it looked like a huge family affair as he was not there with any other members of parliament – he walked around and took photos of children. He however did not even glance in our direction, not acknowledging anyone for that matter – a bit sad, but expected!
Ons het almal ons tent-spot gekry om op te slaan. Corne het ‘n bietjie tyd spandeer aan die onderkant van sy buggy wat op stompe gestaan het. Ons eerste aand se slaap was hectically koud. Baie van ons het slegs 1 kombers saamgebring, maar dit was so erg koud dat ons die volgende dag nog komberse in Ceres moes gaan koop – maar Murfy het ons alweer ‘n streep getrek – natuurlik was dit heerlike weer die volgende aand en niemand het die ekstra komberse nodig gehad nie.
Vrydag die 28ste – Anton het baie sleg geslaap met sy skouers was so seer was. Christo en Sandra gaan Ceres toe vir komberse en ek piekel saam om medisyne te kry vir Anton se skouers. Ek los hom dat hy slaap. Terug in die kamp het ‘n klompie besluit om die Matroosberg te gaan besoek – ‘n swemgat gevind en lekker baljaar. Oppad terug van Matroosberg het Ramkat ‘n Front-Wheel-Bearing “verloor” – In Ceres moes hulle wag sodat die eienaar van Midas moes oopsluit sodat hulle ‘n bearing kon kry. Terug by die kamp het die mans ingespring en gehelp om die Bearing te vervang. Lene het haar “office – best in the world” opgeset onder die bome en haar werk opgevang en gedoen wat gedoen moes word. So kom dag 2 tot ‘n eiende.
Ons besluit almal om 5uur op te staan op Saterdag 29 Des 2018 en val 7 uur in die pad na Clainwilliam.
Oppad na Citrusdal hou die teerpad toe net op en die nagmerrie begin – Shrek sukkel met die carburettor en sluk, sluk ry ons na Citrusdal. Ramkat pop ‘n spark-plug uit en ry op 3-silinders – Jacques konnie weer ‘n sparkplug insit nie, want die boonste gedeelte waarin die plug vasgedraai word, het gebreek. Uiteindelik en Citrusdal is in sig – daar koop Jacques pratley-steel en maak ‘n plan sodat die sparkplug kan bly sit, maar die minimum ure wat dit moet droog word is 3. Al genade is om getou te word. Oranja-Bak word ingespan en die groot trek begin. Dit gaan maar stadig en ons kom uiteindelik so teen 3.30 nm by Highlanders aan – net buitekant Clainwilliam. Groen bome en grasperkte begroet ons by die klein stukkie paradys. Jeff die jag-hond begroet ons en so begin dag 3 in alle erns. Te warm om dadelik tent op te slaan, stap ons almal op na die swembad, om die warm stof van ons gebeente af te spoel. Slaan tent op en kuier tot die oë nie meer kan oopbly nie. Corne and Kevin is ons entertainment vir die aand – na ‘n lekker lag sessie val die kamp in stilte en einde ten laaste – slaap!
Day 4 – 30 Dec
Almal maak vandag wonde reg – 1 vir 1 word elke buggy besigtig en reggemaak – wat reggemaak kan word – Almal het ietsie wat nie lekker is nie – daai grondpad het los goed geskud wat vas moes wees en vas geskud wat los moes wees. Swem is in die orde van die dag so tussen die werkery deur. Ons ry na Trawal om ietsie vir die vuur te gaan koop. Daar besluit Shrek om weer op te hou met werk. Jacques en Lene kom terug met die dorp se kinders agterop die Buggy – wat ‘n gesig om te sien. Hoe baie geniet die outjies hierdie rit. Ons pop toe in by die Wimpy en kry sommer ‘n lekker middag-ete voor ons terugry na Highlanders. Swem is weer ons voorland en laatmiddag ry ons af na die rivier waar die waaghalse lekker roei op bootjies en long-boards. Swem in daai groen water is nou nie vir my nie, maar dit lyk te heerlik soos almal baljaar. Jeff die Jag-hond, is voor in die koor en ry saam met die wat roei en swem lang ente saam met elkeen waarin hy ‘n fancy het.
Met ons meeting later die aand besluit almal dat die pad na Piketberg nie te ver is nie en dus kan ons so ‘n bietjie later slaap die volgende oggend vir die oppak en vertrek.
Day 5 – 31st Dec 2018
The last day of 2018 – We woke up at 6am and left Highlanders behind at 8am
We stopped at the petrol-station across from Highlanders to fill up and buy the necessary drinks and eats for the road ahead. We made good time to Kardoesie and on our way met up with Johan and Eugenie Visser. They camped at Kardoesie after a disastrous stay at Augrabies near Upington. Corne had a breakdown just before we reached Kardoesie. The guys managed a temporary fix until we can get to the next campsite, Scheppies Saus just outside Piketberg. We got to Piketberg and raided the Spar – we stocked up with food and drinks to get us through the old year and into 2019. Regretfully we hit another 14.5kg very bad gravel road to our campsite and at our arrival, Christo and Sandra decided to return home. The campsites that was shown to us was very bad, no shade, no trees to speak of and in general it just looked bad. A while later we all went down to the Waterhole and sat in the water for a while. What a wonderful way to cool off. Back at our Buggies we asked Karin to phone the owner to ask if we could move to the main campsite – there where the grass was green and a permanent water mist sprayed during the day and night to keep us cool. Our tents were under the big trees and out of the sun for most of the day. He agreed without any hassle and we set up camp – it also lifted everyone spirit and very quickly everyone was chatting and feeling so much better than when we arrived.
Old year’s Eve and everyone went down to the pool area to have a shooter at the bar. A bon-fire was burning and Anton was in his element. He sat by die fire and stared into the flames for what seemed like hours, but it was only a few minutes until I joined him. We watched people getting drunk and falling over trailers – that was a very hard fall indeed – Drank is niemand se speelmaat nie – dit maak baie seer!!
‘’10..9..8..7…….3..2..1…. – HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!”
I was grateful to have my Buggy-family with me. Wat ‘n belewenis, weereens, om nog ‘n jaar in te gaan saam met spesiale vriende/family. Almal wat ‘n rol in my lewe speel was daar – behalwe my Twin & her hubby, Chris - It was sad to not have them there to share that special moment - but they were in my heart!
Nuwe Jaarsdag – 1 Jan 2019!!!!
Genade nog ‘n jaar is verby – so vinnig. Maar weereens moet ek dankie sê aan elkeen wat 2018 met ons gedeel het. 2019 gaan voorwaar ‘n besonderse jaar wees.
My wens aan elkeen van julle is Voorspoed, Liefde, Geluk en Vrede – mag blessings julle pad besaai en mag ons elkeen se vriendskap in 2019 sterker word!!
Die petrol is min en ons weet nie of ons die pad terug sal maak tot die naaste petrol stasie nie – so besluit die ouens wat se BBuggies half gesond is, om Redelinghuys toe te ry – 40kg van ons af – om petrol te kry. Shrek, Skobbejak en Elvis bly agter terwyl Bloublasie, Ramkat en Purple Haze ry vir petrol. Hulle het egter nie net gestop vir petrol nie, maar deurgedruk na Elandsbaai vir ‘n bietjie lavenis en rondkyk. Later die middag, terug by die kamp het Shrek 14 liter petrol ingooi sodat ons dit die volgende dag kan maak na Redelinghuys - ‘n piep-klein dorpie met ‘n baie outlike steekbaard-hondjie wat ‘n groot liking in Lilly gekry het.
Later die middag en almal terug by die kampplek, gaan verken ons die omgewing – by die rivier was daar amazing plekke vir kamp. Daar was ‘n lekker buite stort en hout-hutte. So mooi – dit het my laat dink aan Heidi in die Berge! Amper donker en ons keer terug na die kamp – maak ‘n lekker vuur en braai vleis. Almal weet dat die tyd het op ‘n einde gekom en dat ons die volgende dag die pad terug huis toe aanpak. Vernon en Karin het ‘n broek vol planne en gaan slaap sommer baie vroeg. Ons ander kuier – die kinders kry amper hartaanvalle met die groot spinnekop wat oor Cornell se hand hol – en met die volgende oggend se oppak kry ons 2 kleiner spinnekoppe, wat nog steeds groot was – in Jacques en Lene se Gazebo.
Laaste dag – 2 Jan 2019
Die oppak neem nie te lank nie en 9 uur val ons in die pad. Deur die 2 riviertjies wat nie heeltemal so vol was soos toe ons gekom het nie, sê ons totsiens aan Scheppies Sous – die grondpad terug voel ‘n klein bietjie korter. Ons re-group onder die boom op die teerpad na Elandsbaai. Daar aangekom sonder enige major voorvalle, eet ons lekker vis en chips en drink ‘n drankie voor ons die langpad terug Kaap toe aanpak. Met die wind van die kant waai die bestuurders omtrent uit die Buggies. In Dwarskersbos voor die karavaanpark word die diagnose gemaak: Elvis is on his way out of the Building. Ry hom tot hy heeltemal stukkend is en dan maak ons ‘n plan – net voor Langebaan se Engen One Stop blaas Elvis sy laaste asem uit – Skobbejak haak die A-frame en sleep hom na die Puma Garage Padsal net na Yzerfontein. Intussen het Corne sy pa gebel om hulle daar te ontmoet. Ons start net op om te ry nadat Elvis gehaak is, toe bars Purple Haze se linkerkant se voorwiel. Dankie tog – Kevin en Nicole kom toe die resque – daai spaarwiel wat Blou-Blasie die heelpad saamgedra het, kom nou goed te pas – Kevin – You have saved the day!! Met die nuwe band op, trek ons weg en vang op met Skobbejak en Elvis by die Puma Pad-stal. Corne se broer, Andre en sy pa word aan ons voorgestel en daarna groet almal. Nou ruik Shrek sy huis en sy baas sit voet in die hoek – ons waai vir oulaas soos almal verby ons ry by die Duynefontein afdraai en groet vir Ramkat laaste.
By die huis en Koko raak mal van opgewondenheid om ons weer te sien.
Dankie aan elkeen wat hierdie trippie so spesiaal gemaak het – o ja en op die koop toe het ek so ‘n klein bietjie getan.
Naomi K
Click here to see all the photos of this event:
Minutes of A.G.M – 8 December.
Attendance: Jacques, Lene, Karin, Vernon, Mitch, Naomi, Anton, Bok, Heidi, Sandra, Christo, Kevin, Nicole, Corne and Ronel
After 6 runs you qualify for a t-shirt and can apply to become a member
Club t-shirt has to be worn on every club event, waist coat with club colors are optional
The group will remain as is. A separate group will be created for special occasion’s i.e. Camps, yearend functions etc.
Nothing referring to sex, religion or politics are to be posted on the group
President and secretary to follow up a bit more in detail
Voting for committee
Anton is available for President
Jacques is nominated for president by Anton, but not available
Anton to stay president
Karin is available for Secretary
Naomi nominated for secretary, but not available
Karin to stay secretary
Vernon available for treasurer
No nominations
Vernon to stay Treasurer
A suggestion was made to have a Vice President as well
Jacques nominated as Vice President and voted in as Vice President
A date to be confirmed for the committee to meet with regards to job descriptions as the dynamic has now changed with a Vice President in the committee
Heidi to continue with her Facebook duties until they’ve made their decision with regards to membership
Lilly to do Instagram page for the club to draw in more and younger members
Runs for next year 2019
13 January –---- ---------Christo + Sandra
10 February –-- ----------Vernon + Karin
8 – 10 March camp –--- Karin + Vernon
14 April –------------------ Bok + Heidi
5 May –-------------------- Young Buggers
9 June –------------------- Christo + Sandra
12 – 14 July Camp –---- Anton + Naomi
4 Aug ---------------------– Jacques + Lene
8 Sept –-------------------- Corne
11 – 13 Oct Camp –----- Jacques + Lene
10 Nov –-------------------- Kevin + Nicole
30 Nov --------------------- AGM + year end function
27 Dec – 3 Jan -----------7 Day Adventure
Run requests
Corne and Bok unable to arrange camps Jacques is willing to arrange 2 runs Kevin is will to consider arranging a second run Sandra unable to arrange a run in September Sandra is willing to arrange the winter camp Kevin is willing to arrange a winter camp Corne would prefer to arrange a run in summer
No runs on Mother’s and Father’s day
No camps in school holidays and Easter weekend
Run suggestions
Vernon suggests approaching Jan with regards to him being so scares on runs
Club to visit Jan to show we care/ Anton to invite him for a braai
Meeting adjourned
Next Event: Christo & Sandras Run. 13 January 2019.
Christo & Sandra's budget run.
We'll meet at McDonald's N1 City.
Departure time will be 09:00.
We will travel to Milnerton Flea Market for some Fleas and then head off to Blouberg for a roomys.
Next Next Event: Vernon & Karin’s Run. 10 February 2019.
Details to follow in next newsletter.
Members can advertise their business here or whatever you want to advertise here for free. Just mail me your add:
Accounting Services: Personal TAX & Provisional TAX, CC's, PTY's, Books & Statements, Special letters, VAT etc. Phone Sandra 084-3589 846 or E-mail or see her website at
Biltong & Droë Wors, honey, dried Fruit & Nuts can be bought from Kleyn Begin. Contact Naomi – 08 28 48 68 55. Or E-mail them at or see their website
Other great Club places you can use to buy or sell your Beach Buggy or Air-cooled parts that will be viewed by 1000’s of people.
Clutch Removal and Installation
Note: Any time the engine is removed, check the clutch for wear and replace worn components as necessary. The relatively low cost of the clutch components compared to the time and trouble spent gaining access to them warrants their replacement -- unless they are new or in near perfect condition -- anytime the engine is removed.
Clutch Removal
Note: The pressure plate assembly and clutch disk remain on the flywheel when you remove the engine. The clutch release (throw-out) bearing and related parts stay in the transmission.
Pressure Plate |
Clutch Disc |
Caution: The pressure plate is under a great deal of spring pressure. If you work your way around the plate, removing each bolt one at a time, it will warp.
Caution: DO NOT use oil or grease on these surfaces or on the clutch disk lining. And clean your hands before handling the parts.
Note: As mentioned above, ordinarily the clutch disk is routinely replaced, so if in doubt the condition, replace it with a new one. If you're planning to re-use the old clutch disk, it's a good idea to check it for runout.
Note: You're probably replacing the clutch disk anyway, but if the splines on the input shaft are damaged, you'll have to replace the input shaft as well.
Note: If you are replacing the main oil seal, remove the flywheel at this point and replace the clutch after the flywheel has been reinstalled.